The New Kid

Admission tests for new kids at my 13 yo daughter’s school are held in a way where the existing and prospective kids can see each other, even talk to each other (if they want to). The parents of the prospective kid can walk round the school, and check out the facilities after the test.


The existing kids have this tendency to evaluate the prospective kids for their “worthiness” – could they be members of their gang, should they be selected. Unsurprisingly, all new kids will be dismissed as un-cool, ugly or stupid and totally unworthy of joining the exalted ranks of the Cool Gang.


Recently, there was this fat girl who took this entrance test. After the test, as her parents went round the school, they spoke to the Sports teacher and said that the girl played basketball. One of the Cool Gang smirked, “She plays basketball? Does she play the role of the ball?”. To which another responded, “She’s a size 20, we only use size 7 balls here”. Uproarious laughter ensued. Of such incidents are the best memories of school life made.


Maybe the girl heard them. Or perhaps she guessed it from all the sniggering. Or quite likely, she just loved to engage in insulting people. Regardless of the reason, she walked up to them and said, “Are you guys standing here on duty? Imagine standing like this in the hot sun, I could never do that…”


I think she is a perfect fit for the Cool Gang.


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