Wormholes in Time
In the evenings, when I go to pick up my 8 yo daughter from play, she and her friends will insist that I chase them to the lift. Since they have converted the transition from play and fun to the home into a game, it’s easier for me to get her back without the endless negotiations of “5 more minutes, pleeee…ease” or “It’s not yet dark”. As I read Jennifer Senior’s awesome book, All Joy and No Fun , on what parenting does to parents, I realized why I enjoy the chasing part. It’s the thrill of the chase, of course! “(Young children) also create wormholes in time, transporting their fathers and mothers back to feelings and sensations they haven’t had since they were young themselves.” During the chase, anytime I am closing in on one of them, they’ll scream for a timeout (“Game pause” in their lingo) shamelessly. That’s another thing with kids: rules can be bent and broken. Unlike how adults how view the world: “I’m talking about the selves who live too much in their heads ra