Thought Experiments
Einstein made thought experiments famous. But he wasn’t the man who invented the concept. So what is a thought experiment? Based on certain assumption(s), you go over the logical consequences it would lead to. As Shane Parrish wrote : “The purpose is to encourage speculation, logical thinking and to change paradigms. Thought experiments push us outside our comfort zone by forcing us to confront questions we cannot answer with ease.” So who came up with the first recorded instance of a thought experiment? Not surprisingly, it was the Greek Zeno back in 430 BC. He used it to “prove” that motion is an illusion. Huh? His logic was this: assume the tortoise is 100 m ahead of the hare. When the hare covers the 100 m gap, the tortoise would have moved a bit ahead. When the tortoise covers that second gap, the tortoise would have moved a little bit ahead. And so on it goes. How then could the hare ever catch up with the tortoise, asked Zeno. What was the flaw in his reasoning? Galil