
Andrew Sullivan, a Republican supporter but not a Trump supporter, has been saying for long that if the Democrats could put up a half-decent candidate, then many Republican voters who are appalled by Trump, would be willing to vote for the other side. Biden finally stepped back when the pressure became too much, not by choice. Will his replacement be inspiring? Only time will tell.



“Donald J. Trump, by sheer luck, dogged persistence, and the over-reach of his enemies, now bestrides our political scene with such dominance.”

The failed assassination attempt on Trump has only helped:

“If you believe, as I do, that history is made by both structural change and pure, random chance, then that bullet’s trajectory, and Trump’s subtle shift of his head, is up there with Gavrilo Princip’s but in reverse. The shooter missed, thank God. I shudder to think where we would be now if the bullet had blown Trump’s head apart — as it was right on target to do. We would be in a near civil war.

And his choice of Vice-President, a guy who is articulate and, importantly, not someone from Trump’s past, has only added to the feeling that his team is far better, far more professional this time around.


Real life can be stranger than fiction. Even if the, er, narrative isn’t really true:

“The outsider businessman, taking on the corrupt elite, hounded by the woke press, targeted by leftist courts, unjustly impeached, outrageously smeared, almost assassinated … somehow survived and has the prospect of the greatest comeback in American history.


The American Left, he says, is “imploding”. They insisted Biden was the best guy until his incoherence became too public to deny. The mis-step of trying to prosecute Trump close to the election cycle has misfired horribly – Trump now comes across as the victim of the “system”. Those who are apolitical and just don’t want Trump as President, well, he says, even they goofed up badly:

“If you want a saner (Republican), don’t demonize every other possibility (from the Republican party).”

Whoever is Biden’s replacement doesn’t matter. It will come across that the Democrats’ high command “picked” a candidate.

“If you think democracy dies in darkness, why try to get Trump legally excluded from some state ballots, and prevent any real primary among Democrats?

The lies of the American Left are no fewer than Trump’s, he points out:

“Inflation won’t happen/is temporary… the Southern border is secure; … Ukraine is about to win the war; Russia’s economy can be sanctioned to death; political violence is entirely on the far right…”

As he rightly says:

“Yes, Trump is a shameless liar. But the left’s propaganda has muddied the waters.”


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