Vacations in the Smartphone Era
Most of us know
the impact our smartphones and tablets have on our vacations: checking mails
(personal and office) is the most obvious one. You start reading a book on your
iPad and ooh, there are messages on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. The beauty
of the place demands a selfie be taken and posted; and then the narcissistic
you wants to keep checking the number of “likes” your photo got.
This problem is
so bad that we now need tips on how to live like we used to before we became “dead-eyed,
slack-jawed phone zombies who only manage to feed ourselves because an app
reminds us to”, says Alex Balk.
Bilton points out that the obvious solution (not taking our gadgets with us
on vacations) is not really an option because:
“That ignores the fact that our devices
have replaced some vacation essentials, including physical books, magazines,
music player, cameras, maps and in-flight entertainment.”
Of course, after
a tremendous exercise of will power, you can choose to carry the phone but not
the iPad. Instead take “a print book or Kindle”, says Bilton. And for the phone
itself, put it on Airplane mode:
“This way, you can still listen to music,
take photos and read, but you can’t connect to the Internet.”
C’mon, you say.
I need to get directions from the phone. Well then:
“Go to your phone’s settings to enable
(or disable) the cellular data capabilities for certain apps…Turn on maps…turn
off email and social media apps like Facebook and Twitter.”
Boy, it’s so
much effort to vacation like the good old times before the smartphone was
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