Maslow's Hierarchy Updated

In 1943, Abraham Maslow proposed a hierarchy of what motivates humans. Though Maslow himself never represented it as a pyramid, that’s how it is most famous today: physiological needs at the bottom (food, water etc); safety next; love and belonging after that; esteem (self-worth) and finally self-actualization (the chance to fulfil one’s potential).

In the age of the smartphone, the joke is that the Maslow pyramid needs to be updated to include, what else, WiFi! And if WiFi is here, can the battery or charger be far behind? Thus, we have the updated pyramid:

The new additions to the Maslow pyramid incidentally also impact how much time one can spend in the toilet, as this pic demonstrates:

You could almost say that today’s poison of choice for all, alcoholics and teetotalers alike, is WiFi. Or as Alex Balk puts it in his usual caustic style:
“We cannot get enough of the poison that is killing us every day.”


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