Kids, Calvin, the Multiverse

In his book on the road to quantum computing, John Gribbin made this remark about the multiverse:

“In (David) Deutsch’s words, ‘all fiction that does not violate the laws of physics is fact.’ So all of Jane Austen’s stories recount real events in parallel realities to our own; but The Lord of the Rings does not.”

By that token, many things Calvin did in Bill Watterson’s books must happen some parallel universe. Or worse…


Calvin, like all boys his age, found girls repulsive.

This 8 yo friend of my 10 yo daughter announced that she and a similar aged boy were now a couple. The older girls made fun of her singing the same K-I-S-S-I-N-G song Hobbes is singing above. The 8 yo brazenly said she didn’t care, and romped around holding hands with her “boyfriend”.


Kids are notorious for drawing totally wrong + self-serving conclusions:

We have 2 car park slots, and had rented one of them to a neighbor. During play, their kid announced that since his car was in the slot, it meant that he owned our flat. And for good measure, added that he had evicted my daughter from “his new house”…


Kids can’t apologize. About anything. Ever.

A 12 yo friend of my daughter leaned against the wall and accidentally rang someone’s doorbell. Of course, she didn’t apologize. She didn’t even find a “less obvious solution”. In fact, she went one better (worse?) than Calvin. A child’s voice from inside the house declared that he couldn’t see who rang the bell through the peephole. Upon which the culprit gave the smart alec retort, “Of course, you can’t. There is a door in between”.


I guess I live in a universe where kids outdo Calvin’s madcap behavior…


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