No Career Counseling

When you are a kid (school kid or college kid), you look at different professions from a certain perspective, a kid’s perspective. And since most of us never have a chance to talk things out with a real (let alone good) career counselor, we end up making choices without fully understanding what life in that profession will be like. Which is almost tragic, given that the choice impacts the rest of your adult life.

So I wonder why career counseling isn’t more into telling kids what a profession is like. Like telling them an engineering degree is valid across countries. Or that people skills are critical to being a doctor, not just being good at academics. Or that a medical degree isn’t valid across countries, and even requires periodic re-certification if they plan to go settle in the West. Or that a lawyer’s life is tough (in India) unless you have family or other connections in that field already. Or that an MBA in marketing would create lots of travel (not all to glamorous areas) and hence would be tougher for a woman post-marriage and kids.

Instead we end up focusing on just the college and the degree, because that usually translates into money. How many counselors tell kids that many other professions can give you decent money as well? Come to think of it, how many counselors even talk money with kids?

Just asking one’s teachers is not always a good option because, as Roger Schank puts it “Calculus is not a career choice”. And parents often won’t know too many fields either. We need good, dedicated counselors. But is there any sign we will get them?


  1. Yes I agree that there is a need for this. As things stand, in our schools we advise career counselling only to those kids who seem to have difficulty in making it to the streams/subjects of their choice or their parents' choice! For instance, if a student does not get admission to either the science or commerce streams, she/he would be advised to talk to the counsellor about options that will open up even if the student settles for the humanities option.Such a pity!


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