Calls from the Clubhouse

Periodically they have these sales exhibitions at the clubhouse in my apartment complex. And my wife will usually drop in and see what they have for sale on her way to the gym. When she liked something that she wanted to buy, she will almost always call me to come down with cash or a card. I initially wondered why she didn’t carry the cash on her? Then I realized it must be because she doesn’t want to be having things to carry when going to the gym.

But then the same thing continued to happen even when she took her mom for these sales! That didn’t make sense: surely, her mother could carry some cash, I thought.

I think I have finally stumbled upon the reason for this insanity: it must be one of those Hamlet things (“Though this be madness, yet there is method in it”). I am sure you got the madness part, so what is the method in it?

Ta da! My wife is one of those rare women who doesn’t like to spend money. Except on the kid. She doesn’t carry cash or card because that way she cannot succumb to (momentary) temptation. Calling me down with the dough gives her time to think and re-think whether it is really worth buying!

Of course, it would just be simpler to have self-control. But hey, I am not complaining: any measures she tries to cut down on spending are always welcome!

P.S. Because such blogs always run the risk of getting misunderstood, I reiterate what I said previously: my wife is one of those rare women who doesn’t like to spend money.


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