Bengali Cartoon

I thought that the Left had taken Bengal to rock bottom, that getting worse was not an option anymore: it was either up or sideways. But Mamata Bannerjee showed that down was still an option!

She just got a Bengali professor arrested for forwarding a cartoon that made fun of her. Wow! The guy didn’t even draw the cartoon: he just did what most of us do, which is to forward something he liked or found interesting or amusing. And for that, it’s off to the dungeons in Mamata-land.

The way the woman was getting in the way of every policy from the Center (the Teesta river pact with Bangaladesh, the Railway Budget, FDI in retail, the centralized counter terrorism proposal), I was beginning to think she had nothing in common with the UPA anymore. She just showed me what she shares with the UPA: she’s the same as Kapil Sibal and gang when it comes to censorship!

I guess when Mamata saw Sibal’s attack on the Internet getting thrown out of the courts, one company at a time (first Microsoft, then Google were declared as out of scope by the courts), she decided to unleash her didi-giri on her native land. After all, Sibal can’t throw out the judges whereas Mamata can (and has) transferred cops who don’t follow her whims.

Bengalis love to claim intellectual superiority (amongst other forms of superiority) over the rest of India, but you don’t hear them complaining about what she did. And even if they did, I am guessing Mamata will whine that it’s a conspiracy of the English speaking media and English speaking sections of the public against her for being from a Bengali medium school. Yeah, right.


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