Responses to WikiLeaks

The aftermath of the WikiLeaks saga hasn’t caused any major country-to-country relationship breakdowns. I guess that’s because most of the information has only been titillating, not surprising. After all, how many people are really surprised that that the Sunni Muslim countries want America to attack Shia Iran, to “cut off the serpent’s head” as the Saudi king put it?

The events following the leaks show the true face of European countries. Like Switzerland. Always happy to take money from every criminal, crook, murderer, swindler, drug lord and terrorist. But hey, Julian Assange puts the wrong city as his place of residence and the Swiss bank blocks the WikiLeaks account! Or take UK. They’d never extradite a terrorist out of their country, but Assange, now that’s different. The Brits are falling over themselves to extradite him for a sex crime! Australia, which would normally defend its citizens (including Assange), has suddenly developed “confidence in the British legal system.” Maybe the Aussies should invite the Brits back to rule them next!

Of course, the blame-America-for-everything brigade will say the US is arm-twisting Europe into doing all this. Yeah, of course, the Europeans could never do any evil, right? Forget imperialism, slavery, 2 World Wars and the Holocaust. Innocent Europe can do no evil.

The Russians and Chinese are having a field day pointing out how whistle-blowers about the government are persecuted in the West. Maybe they should all compare notes.

The Pakistani press has gone one step further. They have cooked up stories about what’s there in the WikiLeaks cables and declared there’s “proof” of Indian atrocities of every kind. Plus, they claim there’s “proof” in the WikiLeaks cables that the ISI is innocent of 26/11. The sites that have the entire WikiLeaks docs deny there’s any such doc. Who cares about the truth when you have declared yourself a pious nation?

Not much has come out about India yet. As one magazine put it: “The WikiLeaks revelations about Pakistan mostly just confirmed how both governments not-so-privately already feel about each other. In the case of U.S.-India relations, there's a lot more to lose.”

And now there’s the leak that the US ambassador to India called the Congress as resorting to “crass political opportunism” by trying to attribute 26/11 to Hindutva terrorists. But I guess that’s called “secularism” in the Congress manifesto.

Should be interesting to see what else comes out. After all, nobody could have gone through all 250,000 documents so fast. There are even dedicated sites that give a summary of the docs as they read them everyday. So you can go there daily to see if there’s a topic you like: for instance, see Foreign Policy magazine’s summary site.


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