United States of India

With the spurt in parts of India that want to become separate states or even breakaway from the country altogether, many feel gloomy. Telengana wants to become a separate state; and when the Center indicated that it might allow that, then people wondered whether that would be the beginning of the end, the unraveling of India. Some fear that India is splitting up. Pakistan and China’s dream come true scenario.

Let’s forget the parts that want to secede from India altogether. I find it very hard to evaluate the merits of the cases where parts of a state want to become a new, separate state. Is it just politicians whipping up feelings? Is it only because politicians want more states because that would mean more CM posts? Or are some states too big to be governed effectively? Are some states so mismanaged that parts of them feel they’d do better if they were separate? I don’t know.

Some in India complain that we seem to want to split and de-unify while the Europeans are moving towards unification. Well, that’s not entirely true. Europe is moving towards economic unification. But even there, not everyone is on board. Britain still has its pound sterling and Switzerland has its Francs. Linguistic unification in Europe? Are you kidding me? The French hate English (though I’ve heard they’ve improved on that front in recent times). The Flemish and French speaking parts of Belgium hate each other. Switzerland has 4 official languages (one for each country they share a border with). Political unification? Britain, Spain, Monaco and Holland have monarchies; France and Germany are republics. And that’s without getting into their world views: The British follow America on everything; the French oppose America on everything!

I remember a conversation I had with one of my colleagues from Finland. He was asking what is a typical Indian cuisine. I told him that in India, the cuisine, culture, language etc all vary from state to state. And how it it is impossible to say what is “Indian” as opposed to belonging to one state or the other. And he remarked, "So it sounds like it should really be called the United States of India!"

And it’s true, isn't it? Each state in India is comparable to a country in Europe! Not just in size. Each state has a different language, culture, and cuisine! And yet we are one nation...however much some states may dislike others.

America is an entity of fairly homogenous states. Yeah, yeah, the Yankees will say that the Bible belt states differ from New York and California. But c’mon, they still eat the same food, talk the same language, and celebrate the same festivals.

India's states are hugely heterogeneous. No other country in the world is a unity of such heterogeneous entities. We should take pride in what we've achieved in terms of unity. Can we be even better? Of course. But let that not detract from what we've pulled off. It's far more than any other country on the planet.


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