Clock Arithmetic and Prime Numbers

One of the greatest mathematicians of all time was Carl Gauss. One of his earliest achievement was the invention of clock arithmetic, writes Marcus du Sautoy in Music of the Primes. It is easy to understand.


It is 10 o’clock. If someone says they will be back in 4 hours, we add 4 to 10 to get 14. But since the clock only has 12 hours, we don’t say the person will be back at 14 o’clock; instead we say 2 o’clock. Stop for a moment and think of how you knew 14 meant 2 o’clock. Because it is the remainder when 14 (the answer) is divided by 12 (the number of hours on the clock). That’s clock arithmetic.


Gauss found a different use for it. Say, you want to find the remainder when 3 x 9 x 12 is divided by 11. You start by calculating 3 x 9 = 27. Find the remainder when 27 is divided by 11 – the answer is 5. Now multiply this remainder (5) by the other number (12) to get 5 x 12 = 60. Again, find the remainder when 60 is divided by 11 – the answer is 5. That’s your final answer: when 3 x 9 x 12 is divided by 11, the remainder will be 5.


This works for any clock number – it was 11 in this example, but it can be any number (5, 13, 10293, anything). This may seem like a nice trick, but useful? Its power comes into play when you deal with the product of large numbers. Instead of first calculating a very large product, then doing the division, this trick cuts down the time drastically. Especially in Gauss’ time when even the calculator had not been invented.


Time saving aside, clock arithmetic yielded other insights:

“Just as the telescope had allowed astronomers to see new worlds, the development of the clock calculator helped mathematicians to discover in the universe of numbers new patterns.”

And centuries later, even today in the age of supercomputers:

“Gauss’ clocks are central to the security of the Internet, which utilizes calculators whose clock faces bear more hours than there are atoms in the universe.”

Let’s see how.


Internet security is based on prime numbers. Which makes the following question critical - Is there any quick way to find out if a number is prime? Brute force division checks aren’t practical if the number in question is, say, 70 digits long. (Modern security algorithms need primes that are that big and larger). But worry not, Fermat had found a way – yes, he of the Fermat’s Last Theorem fame. It’s called Fermat’s Little Theorem. And it is based on clock calculators. It says:


Let’s understand that equation/theorem with an example.

  1. Assign ‘p’ to be any prime number. Say p = 5. This is the clock number.
  2. Now pick any value for ‘x’, say x = 4.
  3. Calculate the LHS (left side hand), using clock arithmetic.
The LHS is the last number on the last row, i.e., 4.
    4. Calculate the RHS (right hand side): it’s maths for “what is the remainder when x (i.e., 4) is divided by p (i.e., 5)?” à The answer is 4.
    5. You see that the LHS equals RHS (both 4).

Here is the key: LHS will equal RHS only if p (the clock number) is a prime. In our example above, remember we had chosen p = 5, a prime.


Let’s try the above steps, but this time with ‘p’ as a composite.

  1. Say, p = 6 (composite). This is the clock number.
  2. Pick any value for ‘x’, say x = 5.

The LHS is the last number on the last row, i.e., 1.

    3. Calculate the RHS (right hand side): it’s maths for “what is the remainder when x (i.e., 5) is divided by p (i.e., 6)?” à The answer is 5.

    4. You see that the LHS does not equal RHS in this case. Because ‘p’ was composite.


How does this help in quickly checking if a number is prime? Well, assign ‘p’ to be the number you want to check. Pick any value for ‘x’ and repeat the above steps. If LHS equals RHS, then the number ‘p’ is prime; if not, ‘p’ is composite. This is way faster than any other way of checking if a number is prime, esp. when the number in question is huge (70 or more digits long).


This theorem is weird – why/how would primes have a pattern with something as weird as a clock calculator? We know that it is true, and it’s the kind of stuff that “gets mathematician’s blood racing”, says du Sautoy.


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