Why AI's Might Take Over

Movies like Terminator and Matrix are fun to watch, but I’ve wondered why AI/intelligent machines would ever want to take over the world and/or kill mankind. Or is that just a theme for movies and sci-fi novels?


In Matrix, Agent Smith (an AI) states the reason:

“Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague and we are the cure.”


Virus? Ouch! In his book, Life 3.0, Max Tegmark writes of another reason. He mentions one of the first (computer) viruses that got world-wide attention, the Morris Worm, which in 1988, exploited bugs in the Unix OS:

“It was allegedly a misguided attempt to count how many computers were online… it infected and crashed about 10% of the 60,000 computers that made up the Internet back then.”

Ok, what’s that got to do with AI’s taking over the world? The same point: it might be an error in the code that causes the havoc, albeit unintentionally.


If that’s too depressing, here’s another scenario Tegmark visualizes. We humans keep the AI boxed (“imprisoned”, with no Internet access etc) to prevent it from breaking out and doing who knows what. But the AI isn’t evil, it has solutions for many of mankind’s problems and benefit. But the humans won’t implement any of its ideas until they fully understand it and/or convinced that it hasn’t gone rogue. So would the AI proceed as follows?

“(It) will probably view (humans) as an annoying obstacle to helping humanity flourish: they’re incredibly incompetent… and their meddling greatly slows down progress.”

Would it therefore try to break out? And given its superior intelligence, wouldn’t it succeed? And would its actions then be the equivalent of ruling the world… for our own good, of course? But obviously, we wouldn’t see it that way.


So ok, there are many reasons an AI might take over. No wonder so many people these days talk about the AI explosion should/shouldn’t be handled.


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