
All of us have run into systems that worked perfectly upto a point but then broke down after that. Simply because some resource turns out to be inadequate beyond that point. Or to put it in engineering terms, the solution wasn’t “scalable” beyond a point.

But have you ever encountered a scenario where a surplus of a resource caused a degradation of performance? If you’ve used the Internet, then yes, you’d have run into that scenario, writes Brian Christian in his book, Algorithms to Live By.

Here’s how the modem was designed to work way back:
1)      You want to upload a really big file.
2)     The network is busy, so your modem can’t transmit just yet.
3)     So the modem stores the content in its buffer, planning to transmit whenever the network allows.
Sounds good, right? What could possibly go wrong with that approach?

Aha, when it was originally designed, memory was expensive, so how much data the modem could store in its buffer was relatively small. Beyond that, it would refuse to accept more data. But as memory got cheaper and cheaper, the buffer size grew bigger and bigger.

Now for the key point in all this: the data still wasn’t getting transmitted until the network had the bandwidth! In other words, all your content that you thought you were uploading was just sitting in the buffer. How would you perceive things? That it was taking forever to upload.

But, you argue, what’s buffer (memory) size got to do with? Wouldn’t the network being busy delay things both when buffers were small and when buffers grew larger? Aha, the difference is that the buffer size determined how long it was before the modem told you, “Hey, I am jammed up. Try uploading more stuff only after I’ve transmitted what’s already in the queue”. With small memories, that feedback came early to the user. Now, with larger memories, we don’t get such feedback for a long time. But during that period, we think that the data is being transmitted when in reality it’s just sitting in the modem!

Notice how we got to this problem? Because the buffer got larger, thanks to the falling cost of memory! Christian puts the impact of this nicely:
“The most prevalent critique of modern communication is that we are “always connected”. But the problem isn’t that we’re always connected; we’re not. The problem is that we are always buffered. The difference is enormous.”

There’s even a term for this problem; bufferbloat. Or as Christian writes:
“We used to reject; now we defer.”


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