Who Killed 007?

For the last so many 007 movies, I have felt that the movies were sucking all the fun out of the central character: if there were openings at Azkaban for dementors, the makers of the last few Bond movies would qualify automatically!

The movies started frowning upon 007’s sexist nature: hello, that was part of the fun. Then they started including chicks with brains (think of Denise Richards as a nuclear scientist…or was it a rocket scientist?): c'mon, this is James Bond, you really want women's equality here? Then they started making the movies with a tragic undercurrent: Bond abandoned and left to suffer at the hand of the North Koreans; M authorizing taking a shot at the bad guy and hitting Bond instead; the one girl Bond cared about dies…

And what the film makers couldn’t spoil, the collapse of the Soviet Union did: suddenly, the West could no longer call their enemies by that word (it was all complicated by the need for oil). And so we had to watch North Korean villains, media baron villains, wronged agent villains...none of whom could even remotely come close to the megalomania we expect of the Bond villains. Hello…we want simple evil for evil's sake, not some complicated evil or I-was-wronged evil.

And now with Skyfall, the 007 franchise has sunk to an all time low. Bond looks old enough to be your great great grandfather; doesn't speak in those double entendres we so expect; there are no babes (imagine that!), no fancy gadgets (just a radio transmitter) and no car (yes, that’s right: there is no new car in the movie). Towards the end, it became as bad as a cheap Bollywood movie: the villain enters on a chopper blaring loud music! And he hands M the gun and asks her to kill them both. Yuck! At the end of the movie, they killed off the ugly M: actually, that's about the only good thing in the movie (I never could stand that female but apparently the Brits love their females to be one-foot-in-the-grave old. Who’s the other woman the Brits love? Oh yeah, it’s their Queen).

Methinks they should have also killed off James Bond as well in the latest movie (I don’t mean killed as in Holmes-and-Moriarty dead; I mean killed as in “not alive”) and called it a day on the franchise.


  1. It is all OK. But, I understand that all the bond movies, without exception, are box office winners. So, there.


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