Dinosaurs Still Rule the World

Remember those terms from statistics classes back at school? Like mean, mode, median and other terms which all looked similar, but apparently were not the same? And how none of them, apart from average, ever seemed to get used anywhere in real life?

Well, that was my experience anyway. And so I was amused to see a chart (well OK, bar-graph, since we are reliving statistics terms) that used the term “median”. As most of us don’t know, the median is the number above which half the entries lie (and hence, below which the other half lies).

The chart confirms what most of us knew already: India is a young country governed by people on their deathbeds. What’s new info is that so are most other countries, though the age gap between the rulers and the ruled isn’t as much in the others.


  1. If actually the dinosaurs ruled us, we would have made a lot more progress, I am sure!

    Our politicians' avarice for siphoning out the tax-payers' money has not even come down by an iota, despite the exposures of scam after scam after scam after scam, in recent months. Their age may be tending towards 90 and many politicians may be enjoying senility, dementia, stroke, failed hearts etc. etc. (some of them can't even stand without droop and slump), but quite amazingly, their mind is razor-sharp when it comes to: "how to make money through corrupt practices, looting the nation and its people." This is all they are doing - no governance!

    The way the politicians are hell-bent in destroying the quality of our education, the way people get harassed and tortured by the police for questioning the politicians (we think of such things as horrors of the Hitler era, something distant and past), the way the politicians fearlessly and shameless advise the bureaucrats: "please do loot, but loot a 'little less' " etc. All these, and so many more like these, make me fear for the worst, for our nation, in the years to come.

    Before our Independence, Winston Churchill, who was fanatically unrelenting towards India ceasing to be a British colony, used to remark, "The Indians do not know to govern themselves. We can only rule them, for their own good." It no doubt sounds like colonial arrogance or racial-superiority-bias. To my own surprise, recently I found myself wondering: "By chance, is what Churchill said is being 'proved' by our senile politicians!" If so, am really, really sad.


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