The Afridi “Kind of Heart”

Shahid Afridi seemed to have taken the semi-final loss to India as well as a guy could under the circumstances. But then once he reached home, he started shooting his mouth off. Apparently, he doesn’t know that we live in the Internet age where news travels at warp speed. The genius thought that what he said here wouldn’t reach there and vice-versa!

First he said, “If I speak truthfully, they (Indians) just can’t have the kind of heart a Muslim has or a Pakistani has”. If you look at that statement closely, he’s right. After all, we Indians don’t have the “kind of heart” which asks us to butcher 166 people in a country we’ve never been to. Not so for Afridi’s role model, Ajmal Kasab.

He also said, “It is a very difficult thing for us to be together or to have a long-term relationship.” So Afridi, I guess we should all forget 26/11 and the terrorism that people with your “kind of heart” practice?

Later, Afridi whined that “I think the value given to cricketers there is greater than what it is in Pakistan.” Someone sure seems to be missing IPL and all the glamour and moolah…so maybe, next time, Afridi, tell your “kind of heart” people to stop shooting cricketers. At least, they’d tour your miserable country then.

Some feel Afridi’s comments were triggered by Gambhir’s remark after the semis that he would dedicate victory in the World Cup final to the victims of the 26/11 attacks. Why so sensitive, Afridi? After all, what’s wrong in that? It’s a free country (here): Gambhir can dedicate whatever he wants to whoever he wants. But I forgot: that’s an alien concept for people with your “kind of heart”.


  1. Sadly, Afridi's thinking is the way the average Muslim mind in this region, perhaps other regions too.

    If I read the literature of the Hellenic world, which is predominantly identifiable with Christian religious community ((I am not a Christian) with a small interlacing of Jews, I do find that humanitarian basis is not compromised. I am not saying that everyone is good in that society but they encourage attitude of rightness and make it visibly humanitarian.

    Unfortunately, the Muslim's are unable to make the humanitarian angle fundamental. Muslim-ness is pushed to be above all considerations and in doing so, there is not concern about compromise, why even degradation, on fundamental universal values.

    Even if it is true that Islam stands for excellent humanitarian values, the Muslims do not seem to make it look so. After that, they keep on blaming that others are not able to understand Islam. Introspection is not done either in sufficient measure and in quality terms by the Muslims because their Muslim identity can lead to inability to open up. All religions have their faults and Islam has its characteristic faults too.


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