Blackberry Ad

By now, everyone must have seen this Blackberry ad that Vodafone is running:

This ad indicates Blackberry’s attempt at an image change from being a high-level manager’s gadget to the new toy anyone can have. It’s no longer just for the smart guys or the rich guys or the ones wearing suits, the ad says.

Reminds me of how mobile phone charges were around Rs 16 per minute back in the mid-90’s. And hence, it was only used by a handful back then. Fast-forward to today: it costs less than a paise per second. And everyone from your maid to the auto-driver has a cell phone.

If only we make a lot more of the currently exclusive systems in our country just as inclusive. And while we’re at it, here’s hoping we can make things inexpensive as well.


  1. Let me start with some comparison. The earliest cars were rich people's items. Europe didn't know enough to promote car for the middle class. It was Henry Ford in America who conceived of the mass production of cars. Mass production was not much in the air around that time (for anything), so his implementation was a revolution. What a transformation it brought about!

    Like you said, even the once underdeveloped India,in which telephone was a dear (apart from non-working!)thing, we have come a long way. Blackberry, I would think, doesn't have an option. Though they are the pioneers for this type of mobile, cheaper competitive item of the same kind is already on the rise. I am happy both for Blackberry trying to reach out and also about the competition compelling advantage to the common man.


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