TLDR or TL;DR is the Internet abbreviation for “too long; didn't read”. Keep it short or we won’t read it!

So what does a Net surfer do about Wikipedia articles? They’re quite long by Internet standards, but you need the info…quite the conundrum. What does one do? Ta da! Enter the TLDR Wikipedia, sort of Ambrose Bierce meets the Internet meets brevity. A few samples from the site should tell you what to expect:

I loved these 2 in particular:
And rubbing it in for the encyclopedia that Wikipedia ran out of business:

Education and a wicked humor, all in a crisp sound bite…welcome to the Internet, baby!


  1. I laughed aloud when I read 'Economics'.

    About carbon, I am not surprised. :-) These days specialists are so far specialized that most elementary things can never imply anything elementary. Everything has to be something else!


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