Dealing with Suffering
In The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*** , Mark Manson talks of a Japanese Second Lieutenant from World War II, Hiroo Onoda, who was told to defend Philippines, to “never surrender”. The Americans landed with “overwhelming force”, and most of the Japanese soldiers got killed or surrendered. But Onoda and 3 of his men retreated into the jungle and continued the fight. For over 3o years . He never got to know that Japan had surrendered! He disbelieved the pamphlets that the Americans, the Japanese and the Filipinos dropped over the years as lies and propaganda. Sound too crazy to be true? That’s exactly why Onoda became an urban legend in Japan: “The war hero who sounded too insane to actually exist.” Another Japanese, Norio Suzuki, went in search of Onoda, found him and convinced him the war was over. Onoda had no regrets: he had fought for a cause, he had followed orders. And so he returned to Japan. And boy, was he disappointed: “A consumerist, capitalist, superfic...