Middle-Class and Meritocracy

In her terrific book on (middle-class) parenting, All Joy and No Fun , Jennifer Senior has a chapter on how (over)involved parents are in their kids’ activities. Apparently, there’s even a term for it: “overscheduled kids”! It refers to all those play dates and extracurricular activities, almost “as if (kids had) all suddenly acquired chiefs of staffs”. And the term for this aspect of parenting? It’s called “concerted cultivation”. Most Indians can relate to all this, but it’s bit surprising that the same is increasingly true of American middle-class parents as well. In fact, in the US, there’s an increasing backlash now against (hold your breath) meritocracy! Huh? Joan Wong put together 10 academics’ take on what this is all about. One panelist, Agnes Callard, makes an interesting point on two types of merit: “(backward-looking) honor and as a (forward-looking) office”. Most people are OK with the first, it’s the second one, the future-looking one (aka college admission) t...