"News" Shows on TV

Why are “news” shows like Arnab Goswami’s Newshour so popular? Why is that yelling-till-you-are-blue-in-the-face format the one that all the other news channels are aping?

Michael Crichton wrote this article on why speculation is rampant in US media; but many of his points would answer my questions above. First, there’s the financial aspect to such shows:
“It’s incredibly cheap. Talk is cheap. And speculation shows are the cheapest thing you can put on television.”
Talk though, while cheap, is also boring. Unless “the talk becomes heated and excessive. So it becomes excessive”, says Crichton. Of course, even heated talk is not always compelling; hence the next step:
““Crisisization” of everything possible…There is a tendency to hype urgency and importance and be-there-now when such reactions are really not appropriate.”

Ok, so it’s garbage. But does it do any harm? After all, some of my friends say they watch such shows for entertainment, not for information. You can learn debating skills, they joke: pick a side, any side; and then stick to it no matter what arguments are presented against it! So what exactly is the harm such shows do?

Crichton has some answers to that as well: first, he says such shows make superficiality the norm. People stop caring about rigorousness. Next, he says, they can make resolutions impossible. How?
“Endless presentation of uncertainty and conflict may interfere with resolution of issues…Compromise is much easier from relatively central positions than it is from extreme and hostile, conflicting positions.”
Third, it misleads people into believing that nothing is knowable for sure. Even though:
“There are many things that can be resolved, and indeed are resolved. Not by speculation, however. By careful investigation, by rigorous statistical analysis. Since we’re awash in this contemporary ocean of speculation, we forget that things can be known with certainty.”

On the other hand, why blame only the news channels? Isn’t TV just giving people what they want? Is what Calvin says below not true for most viewers?


  1. That's truthful summing up, for sure: "On the other hand, why blame only the news channels? Isn’t TV just giving people what they want? Is what Calvin says below not true for most viewers?"

    Isn't same true about what governments people get, too? It almost looks 'karma' that, "we get the elected representatives that our mindset decides". Yet, we try to suggest that politicians play the vote bank politics - it is not a one way traffic.

    About the quote "...we forget that things can be known with certainty”, sometimes I do find it that way, even if I cannot imagine how we can always and about all things work out in such a way that we can know with certainty. We still don't how many things work in Nature, do we?

    Anyway, about knowing with certainty, this happened in a TV debate recently. A group was debating on 'The delay in setting up the Cauvery Water Committee' (something like that, I may not be accurate about the name here). The point was that the central government (Modi and BJP to be precise) would like this adversely affecting them in the forthcoming elections, knowing Karnataka and Tamil people are emotionally charged on this issue. Naturally, it was a deliberate refusal to act by Modi and his government. This, all the people in the panel knew for certain - and that includes the BJP spokesman too. Yet, he went on and on with his stand as to how it had nothing at all to do with the forthcoming elections and how there are many considerations that leads to time, which would actually lead to quality of the selection towards the end. I don't know if he felt hollow inside or not, but that is not the issue - he knew for sure that truth deserves to be set aside for the debate; he just did that. Understandable.

    I suppose that is the way of truth with politics. All know, or can know, what is the core truth; yet, we will see stubborn farces and pretenses at the periphery. Leaving aside politicians to do what they do, among people too this is the scenario: Impartial commoners can and will see the truth. And, those who wish to defend the party of their liking no-matter-what may choose to refuse the truth to themselves. In the end, unlike sciences, it is relativity, not truth, that rules! We can accept that, I suppose.


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