Freedom of Speech is a Joke

Here is an example of the typical hypocrisy of the left leaning media, this one from a Deccan Herald editorial:
“Finance minister Arun Jaitley said that freedom of expression does not give anyone the right to call for the country’s destruction. It is a wrong and mischievous statement, meant to lower the value and importance of a basic constitutional right by positioning it against the survival of the “country.”… Freedom of expression is more important than the idea of nationalism that Jaitley and other leaders are championing and propagating.”

It is news to me that we value freedom of expression in this country! Let me cite a few instances across decades, across political parties, across religions:
1)      Hounding of MF Hussain for painting a Hindu goddess nude;
2)     Arresting a couple of girls who criticized Bal Thackeray during his funeral procession… on Facebook!
3)     Banning of Satanic Verses;
4)     Disapproval of the Muhammad cartoons drawn by Charlie Hebdo.

Now I know the left leaning “secular” folks would jump upon #1 and #2 and say they condemned those instances as well. But #3 and #4? Either they will maintain pin drop silence or ask “Why offend others? Why not be sensitive?”

Guess what? #1 and #2 offended some people too. Where is your sensitivity for them? True freedom of speech means the right to say anything, even if it offends others.

But if you are so sensitive, what is the minimum percentage of the population whose sensitivities we should care about? I am guessing the answer is 15%, the fraction of Muslims in India.

Going with that number, then at least 15% of Indians are deeply offended by calls to break up India. But hey, let not consistency get in the way of the left leaners.

The same editorial also says:
“Actually, it is these freedoms, which are at the heart of the Constitution, that create the nation. Without them, there is no nation.”
Is it just me or is it not true that an existential threat to the country (by calling for it to be broken up) would, by definition, mean the end of all rights, not just the freedom of speech? I guess that’s left leaning “intelligence” for you: putting the effect before the cause, the cart before the horse.

Freedom of speech in India: don’t make me laugh.


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