How Open are You?

Donald Trump. Mocked, loved or reviled; but he is not ignored. Based on his statements, one of the very many jokes going around is his “world view”: Ok, now that you’ve had your laugh, let’s get a bit more serious. We like to think of ourselves as balanced, open to arguments and willing to change our mind. But how many of us go as far as what Charlie Munger told: “I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don’t know the other side’s argument better than they do.” Do you “know the other side’s argument better than they do” on a topic like Trump? And no, answers like “What’s to know? His supporters are lunatics or racists” don’t count. When he is winning state after state, do you really believe that 35-50% of the US suddenly became that way in the last 6 months? Really? So if you can’t come up reasons why he may be so popular, let’s go over Scott Adams’ attempt to “know the other side’s argument better than they do”: 1) ...