Sculpted in Blood
There was this news about a sculptor, Hussaini, who made a sculpture of Jayalalithaa, using 11 litres of frozen blood . The morbidity and stupidity of it aside, why couldn’t this guy (and the others who donated a part of that blood) have donated to a blood bank instead and possibly saved several people’s lives? You could, of course, argue that it’s their blood and they can do what they wish. But considering that this guy isn’t some AIADMK bigshot, can’t Jayalalithaa speak out and suggest that people donate to blood banks instead? You know, act like a leader by converting this idiotic act into something positive for society? After all, blood isn’t money: if she asked people to donate money, she would be accused of hypocrisy. But blood, that’s free and voluntary… Why is it our politicians never try to bring about a positive change even when the cost to them is zero?