Good, Bad: It's all so Messy
Justice. Everyone thinks they know what it means is. Unfortunately, as Yuval Noah Harari says in 21 Lessons for the 21 st Century : “Our sense of justice… has ancient evolutionary roots.” Unfortunate why? Because it evolved to come up with rules like not stealing from your neighbor. But the world we live in is nothing like the world of our hunter-gatherer ancestors: “An inherent feature of our modern global world is that its causal relations are highly ramified and complex.” Thus, as Harari exaggerates only-a-bit to make a point: “I can live peacefully at home, never raising a finger to harm anyone, and yet… according to the socialists, my comfortable life is based on child labour in dismal Third World sweatshops.” Once you start thinking deeper about almost anything, things get very murky. Say, you own shares in a petrochemical company. You’re getting good returns, but they dump toxic waste into the river, thereby harming people’s health and wildlife. And they ha...