Self-Righteousness is the Road to Disaster
When I see the shell shocked reaction of traditional media to the rise of social media as the way to voice and influence opinions, it reminds me of these lines by Scott Alexander : “People very reasonably ask – hey, I notice my side kind of controls all of this stuff, the situation is actually asymmetrical, they have no way of retaliating, maybe we should just grind our enemies beneath our boots this one time. And then when it turns out that the enemies can just leave and start their own institutions, with horrendous results for everybody, the cry goes up “Wait, that’s unfair! Nobody ever said you could do that!” Another trend driving this transition is what Freddie deBoer cites : “Conservatives have been arguing for years that liberals essentially want to write them out of shared cultural and intellectual spaces altogether.” (Replace “conservatives” and “liberals” with the relevant words from your context). And the reaction of traditional media that is being marginaliz...