Odious Comparisons

Godwin’s Law is a very famous adage of the Internet. It asserts that:
“If an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler.”

When it comes to using such (or similar) terms about politicians, most people in democracies go overboard. People tend to forget what the blogger Regie said:
“There’s a difference between an abrasive leader who makes you uncomfortable …and a despot.”
Critics would do well to remember that line the next time they criticize a politician they dislike.

And what if a real despot was doing it for the best of reasons, says Regie:
“The American president who could’ve actually been likened to Hitler (before Hitler) in some of his methods was …wait for it …Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln broke more constitutional law than any other president in U.S history. He imprisoned political opponents without due process. He suspended habeas corpus. He was personally responsible for the deaths of six hundred thousand people. He invaded countries that had declared their own sovereignty and forced them back into a union they didn’t want to be a part of. He unilaterally annexed Nevada, without 60 thousand residents, (a pre-requisite for becoming a state) in order to carry it and win the 1864 election. In other words, he pretty much rigged it… Lincoln did all of those things to end and win the Civil War… In the end, his vision was right …even though his methods were suspect in the heat of the moment.”

And so he says this about Trump:
“If we keep looking for Hitler in every United States president we disagree with, we’re not going to recognize the real one when he actually shows up …in a different country.”
Or a different religion. But ok, that’s not a recognition problem; that’s a case of political correctness and denial…


  1. I had not imagined all these possibilities with Abe (who else, Abraham Lincoln)! I had thought of him on very benign terms all along. Usually very few politicians get my benign glance, mind you.

    If this is the story of Abraham, I should experience a lot less cynicism about our own politicians too. Who knows, some of the good intentions of Modi may vindicate his actions in the long run. See, I would also pointed fingers about Modi's unilateralism! For example, I was unhappy with the extent of upheaval caused by the demonetization, which in essence I always admitted has a good intent. Maybe the long term effect would be beneficial. Black money has to be checked but no politician would bell the cat, ever. At lease Modi tries. Let's pray he is our Abe, not Germany's Hitler!


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