Signs of Intelligence, Finally?

These were the lines from a song that had become the flavour-of-the-week for my 11 yo daughter and her friends:

“All my friends are so toxic, so ambitionless,

All my friends are so rude, and negative.”

Aha! They have begun to realize how their peer group is. Perhaps they will recognize next that the lines apply to themselves as well? I can only hope.


The other day, she said something smart for a change (I forget what it was). Seeing that I was impressed, she decided it was time to pile on. “Big brain”, she said, tapping her skull. Then she touched my head, shook her head sadly, and said, “Sorry, it won't fit inside your skull, so there no’s hope for you…”.


At least she knows there's a correlation between brain size and intelligence. Also that the brain is housed in the skull.


Perhaps there is hope for her after all…


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