Two Moons and a Ringed Planet
Marcus Chown’s book, Infinity in the Palm of Your Hand , asks and answers many, many fascinating questions. I’ll mention a few of them here. Why is there no pic of Neil Armstrong taking his famous “one small step for man”? The iconic photo of the moon landing, instead, is a pic of the other astronaut, Buzz Aldrin! How on earth moon could that have happened? Well, the camera was mounted on the astronaut’s chest and: “It had no viewfinder and they had to guess what was visible through the lens.” Unbelievable, right? But more problematically: “The surface of the moon poses unique challenges for photography.” It’s got to do with the fact that there’s no air on the moon. Yes, but what’s the connection? On earth, sunlight is scattered by the air, “softening its harshness” and “spreading it even into the shadow so they are not completely black”. On the moon, with no air: “A camera must contend with dazzling brightness alternating with utter blackness, the two zones separa...