The Madness Never Ends

Heard of America’s Operation Warp Speed project?

“Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is a public–private partnership initiated by the U.S. government to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.”

It was started back in May or June last year. Yes, by Trump. Is that why the opposition dominated parliament refused to fund it? Upon which Trump & Co then diverted funds from other projects into OWS…


Every vaccine (other than Johnson & Johnson) requires 2 doses. Canada can’t get delivery of its vaccines, and has now flipped their policy and announced that the greater good is served if everyone got 1 dose first (twice the number of people vaccinated that way). But what is the effectiveness of just 1 dose? Why then were all the vaccines approved as 2 dose vaccines?


In Australia, physicians are banned from recommending one vaccine over the other (It is apparently considered a form of advertising). Britain’s ad body placed a similar ban about a year back against advertisement for masks. Why on earth?

“We understood there was very little evidence of widespread benefit from their use outside of clinical settings, and that prolonged use of masks was likely to reduce compliance with… frequent hand washing and avoiding touching the eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.


When Western countries are struggling to get enough vaccine, you’d think they’d jump at the chance to get one approved by their own country. But no, in the US, Detroit’s mayor turned down an allocation of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine:

“So, Johnson & Johnson is a very good vaccine. Moderna and Pfizer are the best. And I am going to do everything I can to make sure the residents of the city of Detroit get the best.”

This isn’t just one city in the US. Earlier, the US didn’t approve AstraZeneca (British vaccine) on the same ground (“What are you going to do with the 70 percent when you’ve got two (vaccines) that are 95 percent? Who are you going to give a vaccine like that to?”). Contrast that with India’s pragmatic approach: a less effective vaccine is still better than nothing.


And now, in the US, 100 people gathered in the state capital of Idaho to (believe it or not) burn masks! You don’t want to wear a mask, that’s your choice. But to burn them publicly? Are these people completely insane? And they think Facebook and TikTok is how the Russians and Chinese are messing up the US?!


No matter how much time passes, the West not only doesn’t fix its earlier blunders on all matters COVID-19 (masks, staying indoors), but it keeps adding even more idiotic decisions…


Thank God we live in Asia (I never thought I’d write that line in my lifetime).


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