The Vaccine
Lots of people all the world are hoping (praying?) that there will soon be a vaccine for the coronavirus. I’ve always felt that optimism for a vaccine as solution is misplaced. Here’s why. Origin matters : Let’s face it: if China or India developed a vaccine, would most of the world trust it? Obviously not, so any vaccine has to come from the West for people to trust it. And therein lies the rub. Clinical trials take, like, forever : Any new medicine or vaccine needs to be tested first. Obviously. For side-effects. To check if it actually works. And Western systems have unfortunately demonstrated an “inability to start and run clinical trials faster”, writes Matthew Herper. Siddhartha Mukherjee had described this exact problem in the context of possible AIDS medicines in The Emperor of All Maladies : “(Clinical trials) were all well and good in the cool ivory towers of medicine, but patients affected by a deadly illness needed drugs now .” Ethics of RCT (Randomized Co...