The Story of GPS
Once upon, people asked for directions. Today, the smartphone tells us the way. Yes, we should be thanking Google Maps, but have you ever given GPS a thought? The story behind GPS is a fascinating one, as described in Simon Winchester’s book, Exactly . In March, 1967, the (then young) author was in charge of lowering an oil rig at the right spot. He got it “about two hundred feet off the ideal”. But the feedback he received was, “It’s good enough”! Imagine trying to get anywhere today with that kind of inaccuracy in the system… The idea of GPS was conceptualized thanks to the launch of the first man-made satellite in space in 1957, Sputnik . The Soviets were aware that the world would dismiss it as just propaganda. So they decided to have a way to prove it from the get-go: “The device was continuously emitting radio signals from a tiny transmitter on board.” Check for yourself, the Soviets were saying. The pattern of the signal (its changing strength as it orbited etc) c...