Winning by Insights... and Other Means
Here’s how Deep
Blue, the computer that famously defeated (then) world champion Garry Kasparov
in the pre-Big Data age “learnt” to play, writes
Steven Strogatz:
“Principles, which have been refined over
decades of human grandmaster experience, are programmed into the engines as
complex evaluation functions that indicate what to seek in a position and what
to avoid”
Sure, it was
insanely fast, but was “utterly lacking insight”.
Today’s chess
engines “learn” by playing and looking at games, “discovering” for themselves
patterns. It’s how all of machine learning works: the more and better the data
you throw at it in the learning phase, the better it gets. With machine
learning techniques, computers often appear to identify insights never known to
humans! Take this description of AlphaZero, Google’s machine learning algorithm
world champion at chess, shogi (Japanese chess) and Go. It crushed its
“programmed” learning counterpart, Stockfish by:
“thinking smarter, not faster; it examined
only 60 thousand positions a second, compared to 60 million for Stockfish. It
was wiser, knowing what to think about and what to ignore.”
Kasparov himself
hailed AlphaZero saying
it “reflects the truth” rather than the “priorities and prejudices of
Machine learning
is increasingly proving better and faster in other areas like medical diagnosis
as well. But, and this is becoming a problem now:
“The algorithms can’t articulate what
they’re thinking. We don’t know why they work, so we don’t know if they can be
But why bother
about how it works as long as it works? Aha. Take this AI that applied machine
learning on an old arcade (video) game called Q’bert. Soon it was getting
“impossibly high scores”, writes
Charlie Osborne. Since this was a video game, it was easy for researchers to
see how it was doing this. The surprising answer? The AI had found a bug in the
game, something it then exploited to rake up a million points!
Does it even make
sense to say that the AI cheated? Now we’re entering philosophy, so I’ll take a
diversion into something my 7 yo daughter did recently. I was trying to
introduce her to computer programming via this made-for-kids language called Scratch. I talked her through the
program code for a sample game, and then let her play the game. I soon found
her getting “impossibly high scores”. How? She’d gone and changed the program
code to increase the score by 10 (instead of the original 1) every time she did
what was expected. I was stuck in two minds. Should I be happy that she was
programming? Or unhappy with her cheating?
I still haven’t
made up my mind.
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