3D Printing
3D printing is supposed to be so revolutionary that it will move us away from the mass production lines to customizable, one-off production. But what is 3D printing really? What can it really print? How much of it is just hype? To answer those questions, let’s first see how it works . Just as good old 2D printing requires something like a Word doc, 3D printing requires a 3D file called a Computer Aided Design (CAD) file. You can create a CAD file from scratch or you could scan an existing object using a 3D scanner and then edit the file to suit your needs or you can just get 3D files as-is from the Net for free. As you might have guessed, there are several free tools on the Net for editing such files. Ok, so you have the 3D file ready. The way it gets printed is called “additive manufacturing”. Huh? Let’s first understand the opposite of that. When Michelangelo was asked how he sculpted David, his response was: “You just chip away the stone that doesn’t look like David.” ...