No Place Like Home
A lake in Turkey went biblical: it turned blood red. But fear not, says Danny Gallagher , it happens every summer! “The apocalypse isn't coming to fruition…(Toz Golu lake) turns bright red due to an interesting anomaly that occurs every summer.” (In case you’re curious, it happens because as the lake dries up in summers, the salt level increases; the rising salt level kills off the plankton that eat the algae; and the uncontrolled algae have this color changing ability). Nature red in tooth and claw, said Lord Tennyson. Just how red it can be was exemplified by a recent discovery of how the boa constrictor (a snake) kills its prey. It was thought that they squeeze the life out of their prey (literally), i.e., they squeeze and squeeze until the prey suffocates. Turns out the modus operandi is even more lethal : “Death by suffocation is nightmarish enough, but boa constrictors do something even more sinister: They cut off your blood supply…Many animals (humans included) ...