Encoding, Morse Code and the Alphabetical Order
When you transmit a message across any medium (wires, cables, fiber optics, or even wireless!), you have a few common problems. I’ll focus on one of those problems in this blog, namely the optimal way to “encode” the message. Encoding is easy to understand: - In the digital world, everything is a 1 or a 0. So we need to assign combinations of 1’s and 0’s to mean every letter of a language. Encoding is coming up with such a unique combination of 1’s and 0’s. - Encoding, however, is not the same as encrypting a message. For example, Morse code has a way to represent every character but it’s not a secret. So we say a message in Morse is encoded but not encrypted. An important practical consideration in coming up with an encoding scheme is to minimize the number of symbols while transmitting a message. Why? Because transmitting more symbols costs more power or more bandwidth or both....