Board Game Rankings
As a kid, I played plenty of board games. Snakes and ladders, ludo, Chinese checkers, chess, Scotland Yard and Monopoly . In the age of the Internet, of course, there are sites to rank your favorite board games. Like BoardGameGeek . Oliver Roeder wrote an article after checking out the site. The best game? It’s called Twilight Struggle . I’d never heard of it! Then again, I’ve not played board games for a long, long time. Note that despite the name the site includes card games and pencil-and-paper games like Tic-Tac-Toe (also called Noughts and Crosses). Which, by the way, is the lowest ranked game on the site. At 10,505 th place (I’m betting you didn’t know that there are that many games to rank! Me neither). It’s easy to understand why Tic-Tac-Toe is bottom of the heap: “It’s a solved game — if both players are above the age of roughly 5, the game ends in a draw.” And yet everyone of us has played Tic-Tac-Toe. Why? Here’s Roeder’s answer: “Tic-tac-toe represents a ...