Nothing Rational About It
“It is one thing to accept something in
practice, another to justify it rationally.”
Isaiah Berlin
It’s no secret
that rationality can’t always give you reasons for deciding what’s right and
what’s wrong (Though rationality can help you decide whether or not to follow what is termed by the majority
as right or wrong). In most cases, that doesn’t matter. Is stealing ok? You
don’t need rationality to provide an answer to accept that it’s not ok. Morality,
social norms, jail time are acceptable reasons (well ok, jail time would be a
rational cost-benefit analysis based reason, but even the others are acceptable
reasons to not steal).
But what about
something like athletes taking steroids to win? Lance Armstrong is the poster
boy for drugs in sports these days. He is getting stripped of his many wins and
the runner up declared the new winner (As an aside, that “solution” made me
wonder: in sports like cycling or shot-put, everyone competes with everybody
else. So if the winner turns out to be a cheat, you just push everyone else’s
rank up by one and some degree of justice can claim to be done. But what about
sports like tennis? If it turns out, say, Roger Federer was taking drugs, who
is shown to be the winner? After all, Federer beat 7 guys for each of his Grand
Slam trophies. Every one of those 7 guys is entitled to say he might have gone
on to win the title…but that’s a topic for another blog, perhaps).
Coming back to
rationality not always being enough, I like this xkcd
comic copied below that shows how
irrational our disapproval of doping is:
Makes you think,
doesn’t it?
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