Even the Gods Love Apple!

Check out this idol of Lord Ganesha reclining comfortably and (browsing possibly?) on his Mac:

Nice, right? Thankfully, regardless of what the likes of Digvijay Singh say, we are still a liberal enough nation to not be offended by it. Most of us would enjoy it. Without fear of a death threat. Or a reward on your head issued by the nearest religious nutjob. Well ok, maybe I exaggerate. There do still exist areas in India, like Mamata-land, where you could be arrested for forwarding e-mails, as one professor found out!

The only criticism I have with the idol is that it shows a laptop: after all, aren’t laptops ancient technology even on earth, let alone the heavens? So I am guessing Version 2.0 of this idol series would have Lord Ganesha with the latest iPad. Or whatever fancy tech-toy that Apple has released by that time!


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