It’s Complicated

How India chooses to handle the bomb attack on the Israeli embassy official’s wife is a very complicated topic.

Israel has already blamed Iran for this and similar attacks in Georgia and Indonesia. Are they right? Possibly. On the other hand, would Iran risk staging an attack in a friendly country like India, now its largest oil buyer? Then again, is Iran banking on the fact that India would have no choice but to continue its relations with Iran since it won’t be able to find any alternative source for oil so fast?

A farcial investigation would not be acceptable to Israel. Or probably to the Jewish lobby in the US. It would also give a stick to the US sections that never liked India’s relations with Iran. The handling of 26/11 and the fact that Kasab still lives conveys so much to the Israelis as to how this investigation will be conducted. Which is why the Israelis want to be part of the investigation.

For the Congress government, the timing of the attack couldn’t be worse. Any investigation into the attack will most probably be construed as anti-Muslim and pro-Zionist in UP, the state Rahul baba has staked so much at. If by some miracle, any progress is actually made in the investigation, the chances are quite high that the suspects will be Muslims (Iranian or Indian). It would be hard to pass off an attack on a Jewish target as an RSS action. Even Digvijay has not blamed the RSS. Not yet anyway.

I’d love Israel to be allowed to conduct or be involved in the investigation. Because whoever they find responsible, in India or Iran or both, one can trust that the Israelis will hunt them down and kill them. If you feel that wouldn’t reflect well on our sovereignty, I am sure Sonia can shed a couple of tears on that count. When we allow Kasab to live, what are the odds that we will do anything to the people responsible for just an attempted murder and who finally caused just a handful of injuries?


  1. I don't think of much of our politicians and their ability for governance. But in this case, I am able understand our government's predicament. Not that I say what they do is right, even in this matter. I am only saying that their choice, whatever it may be, would be messy.

    To the extent possible, India would not want to antagonize Iran because we have dependence on oil import from them. And, it is important and in the contract some details have points in India's favor. (Can't state precisely on this issue right now.) "Do we have to rock the boat unless really necessary?" is a serious question.

    While nobody can sympathize with Indian establishment for its near total incapacity to defend against terrorist attacks, we also need to understand that defending against terrorist attack is a very, very difficult task. We are making progress surely, but very slowly and clumsily too. When the Iran government covertly uses Indian soil to avenge the killing of their scientist by Isreal, India is caught in the crossfire for no fault of its. Iran would want India not to make fuss while Isreal will demand a very severe action for its own need, not worrying about what it might cost India. We do not have the same background with us to defend aggressively at any cost, which the Jews do, due to what history has apportioned to them. Yes, I have my sympathies for the Jews, but can we think and fight like the Jews? Should we?

    The educated middle class Indians will talk over coffee table this way and that way, blaming in any case, only our own system. Blame is unavoidable in this case, because we actually do not feel or have the freedom to act. Too bad.

    When Isreal resorted to the same method of terrorism to liquidate an Iranian scientist, those who see the evil emanating from Iran feel convinced that terrorism is justified. Why, if someone liquidates a Pakistani scientists using terrorism as the method for killing their scientist, many Indians would be happy!

    How many are willing to see that terrorism, no matter what induces it, cannot be excused. And, everyone seems to want revenge, blood for blood, in this world. We do not know to set our goal for peace truthfully, sincerely. We have no faith in it. Nearly all of us do either lip service, or, are cynically pragmatic - "everyone will be selfish, it is all rat race etc."

    There may not be many takers for the wisdom of Buddha and the like of him: "If we want peace and harmony in this world, we have to feel and propagate peace and harmony." Not talk on peace and harmony while scheming strategies to maim and kill the enemies - and those whom one decides and declares as an enemy. Whipping up emotions (preferably along a religious mindset) is sufficient material to produce any enemy of choice! Some countries like Pakistan would become extinct if their chief enemy (India) vanishes - they need this enemy for their very life, their breath itself!! No other nation in the world depends so much on the enemy India as Pakistan does!!!!!!!!

    If this kind of plain truth and intrinsic value has no place but only rejection, then let us accept that there is no scope for peace and harmony in this world. Then each will hold a stand and declare only that is right. And fight without end. Might alone will be right. Why care for any objectivity at all? Why care for intrinsic justice? Why even hold the ideal or harmony and peace?


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