The Dollar in Future
Can/will the US dollar be displaced as the international currency? This is the question that the book, De-dollarization , explores. The biggest grievance many countries have with the dollar hegemony is that it allows the US to impose unilateral sanctions against any country, even militarily powerful countries like Russia and Iran, as my previous blog explained. The US has even targeted individuals in governments or countries with their sanctions. Unilaterally. Sometimes the people caught in this dragnet are just doing their job – executing their country’s policies. Over time, the extent to which this power has been used and misused has created a large “axis of resentment” . Before we proceed further, let me clarify something. There is no contender to the US dollar today. The Euro? Too wobbly, as the EU itself looks increasing shaky. Japanese yen? With Japan not growing since the 90’s, one can’t see the global share of the yen increasing. The Swiss franc and Briti...