"Were there Dinosaurs when you were a Kid?"
One day, over lunch, my wife and I were talking of Star Trek . When my 9 yo daughter insisted on being part of the conversation, the topic became how so many things we take for granted today were considered were futuristic/hi-fi when Star Trek was made. Like sliding doors, walkie talkies , computers that could speak and answer your questions. Continuing in that vein, she couldn’t believe that we had lived through the dark ages before the Internet, Wi-fi and smartphones had been invented. I could almost see her wondering if this strip spoke the truth after all: And it’s not just in technological aspects that things have improved overwhelmingly over the ages, writes Kevin Kelly. He starts by asking the reader a hypothetical question: “I give you a ride in a time machine. It has only one lever. You can choose to go forward in time, or backwards. All trips are one-way. Whenever you arrive, you arrive as a newborn baby. Where you land is random, and...