Evil Machines and Takeover Fantasies
“It will no longer be optional for machines to have ethical systems.” - Gary Marcus The common theme in Hollywood movies like Terminator and Transformers is a world where (man-made) machines have taken over the world. And turned on us in a battle for world supremacy. So why do people assume that such super machines would necessarily turn evil? Or at the very least, prove to be bad for us humans? I used to think it was just Hollywood’s choice to pick the machines-turned-on-us option (after all, who wants to see a movie where the super machine is benevolent, right? How boring would that be). Until I read 2 different articles with 2 different reasons of why that may not just be a Hollywood doomsday scenario: 1) How does a programmer code morality in a machine? After all, as Nicholas Carr wrote: “We don’t even really know what a conscience is, but somebody’s going to have to program one no...