Is Socialism Ever Sustainable?
Most people support socialism to some extent. Taking care of everyone feels right. Compassionate . Moral. Upto a point. Beyond that, it just feels parasitic. One attempt at this was through communism. The model turned out to be financially unsustainable. There was no incentive to be creative or innovative. No reward for performance. That system just doesn’t work. How about socialism funded through a capitalistic model? Can that work? That’s the model that Europe uses. So far, the results are good. But the critical question is whether they can sustain it in future? Does Europe have enough to pay for healthcare and pension even as the number of people needing it increases and the number of people contributing to that kitty decreases ? An increasing life expectancy increases the time for which people need to be taken care of. The recession has resulted in stimulus packages and bailouts. Which in turn has added huge debts to the state’s accounts. And has to be paid back. Given all th...